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Kapuso Star Mikael Daez Shares Love For Culture Through His Vlogs

Adventurous by nature, GMA Artist Center star Mikael Daez wants to live his life to the fullest and he wants to take as many people with him as possible. Using the power of social media, the Kapuso star is inspired to advocate the love for culture and shares his experiences through his own perspective by making video blogs—more commonly known as vlogs.

His YouTube channel MrMikaelDaez takes pride on informative clips that can help anyone who is hungry for an adventure get the best out of any trip. From finding the best restaurants to getting in the know of the latest trend in art, Mikael is one step ahead to those who have been doing travel blogs. His key to paradise: spontaneity.

In one of his vlogs, he encourages his subscribers to get rid of any plans and just do anything when the timing feels right. Feeling hungry? Look around and choose what your heart and tummy tell you to. Up for coffee? Skip those mobile apps and just ask the locals where they would typically want to get a cup. The magic of spontaneity never disappoints, as he would believe.

His YouTube channel is also one of his avenues to speak to his supporters. Mikael doesn’t hesitate to reply on the comments, and answers the questions of his viewers engagingly. This is his way to connect to them on a different level while promoting the advocacy of his videos.

In his own, passionate way, Mikael inspires people to explore more of the world and get a better understanding of the different cultures. With one video at a time, we can feel a bit more connected to the world and experience what it has to offer even for a short period of time.

I travel a lot and I thought videos were a cool way to preserve the memories and share the experience. I want my audience to be aware of all the destinations I’ve been to and to possibly pick up their own travel ideas. I think travelling is a scary or an intimidating idea in itself but I’m hoping my videos show that it’s more fun than scary,” says Mikael.

All his videos are collated in his YouTube channel:, while his written posts and exclusive photos are on

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