Now Showing: My Ex and Whys
(Full Transcript) SONA 2016 Of President Rodrigo Duterte

Here is the full transcript of President Rodrigo Duterte's 100-minute-long speech on his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, July 25:

Kindly sit down. Thank you.

Allow me a little bit of informality at the outset. You would realize that the three guys in the elevated portion of Congress are from Mindanao. So, wala talaga kaming masabi. [applause]

Senate President Aquilino Pimentel III, members of the Senate, Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez and the members of the House of Representatives, Vice President Maria Leonor Robredo, President Fidel V. Ramos, President Joseph Estrada, President Arroyo, Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, and justices of Supreme Court, His Excellency Papal Nuncio and members of the diplomatic corps.

We cannot... Well, of course, I have also to greet the Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, the members of the Cabinet, fellow workers in government, my countrymen.

We cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull us back. Finger-pointing is not the way. That is why I will not waste precious time dwelling on the sins of the past or blaming those who are perceived to be responsible for the mess that we are in and suffering from.

Except maybe extract a lesson or two from its errors we will not tarry because it is the present that we are concerned with and the future that we should be prepared for.

Lest I be misunderstood, let me say clearly, that those who betrayed the people's trust shall not go unpunished and they will have their day in Court. [applause] And if the evidence warrants, they will have their day of reckoning too.

When I decided to seek the presidency of this Republic, I knew what the ills of our country were; I knew their causes; and I was briefed on those who caused the causes.

I heard the people on the streets complain that justice had become illusory; that equity and fairness and speedy disposition of cases had deteriorated into hollow concepts fit only for masteral dissertations. It was, and still is, very sad indeed.

As a former prosecutor, I know there always --- ways of knowing how fast or how slow cases go. What I did was to look into the number of postponements and the time difference between each postponement and the next setting. It was simple as that. I will appreciate deeply if we all in government attend to this urgent need.

I was determined then as I am now determined and better positioned, to wage war against those who make a mockery of our laws including those who make life for us all miserable.

I wish to assure everyone though that vindictiveness is not in my system. [applause] Just like you and I, all, equal treatment and equal protection are what I ask for our people. [applause]

But we must have the courage to fight for what we believe in, undeterred by the fear of failing or losing. Indeed, courage knows no limits, cowardice does. [applause]

At this point, there are concerns few I wish to convey to all to the end that as I perorate on facts, figures, plans, programs, and solutions, these concerns will not dissipate or get lost along our way.

Thus to our religious bishops, leaders, priests, pastors, preachers, imams let me assure you that while I am a stickler for the principle of separation between church and state, I believe quite strongly that there should never be a separation between God and State. [applause]

During my inauguration last 30 [June] 2016, I said that the fight against criminality and illegal drugs and corruption will be relentless and sustained. I reiterate that commitment today. And that is why I call on the Philippine National Police, the barangay chairmen, the Mayors, and Governors and all those occupying seats of power and authority, not to lower their guard. There will be no let-up in this campaign. Double your efforts. Triple them, if need be. We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier, and the last pusher have surrendered or put behind bars [applause] or below the ground, if they so wish. [applause] CONTINUE READING HERE

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