Now Showing: My Ex and Whys
Who's Your Daddy? Richard Yap Or Ian Veneracion

"The Achy Breaky Hearts" actors Ian Veneracion and Richard Yap talk about their friendship, upcoming movie - and more!
I can't quit you," says Ian Veneracion, 41, to his co-star Richard Yap, 49, making the shoot crew laugh. It wasn't just the well-timed Brokeback Mountain reference that sent everyone giggling (the two men were in the middle of a looking-at-each-other's-eyes-deeply layout). It was how everyone's-favorite-DILF got the cowboy twang down pat. Ian is the playful yang to Richard's serious yin; the showbiz veteran — with 35 years under his belt — trying to make his nervous newbie friend loosen up (Richard broke into the scene only in 2011). See, despite headlining one of the most successful daytime shows in recent memory (Be Careful With My Heart) and being part of blockbuster movies (Just The 3 Of Us, for example), Richard, the former division manager for an interior design firm, is still visibly uncomfortable in front of the camera. But more on that later.
Today's Supreme shoot is happening at a familiar deserted hallway in ABS-CBN where we have shot many a cover, guerilla-style. The two men are dressed in matching clothes: black V-neck shirts and blue jeans that subtly reveal their non-Dad bod bodies. Yup, Ian and Richard could still give men half their age a run for their money — which is probably one of the reasons why they are headlining Star Cinema's next blockbuster, Achy Breaky Hearts, which opens on June 29.

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