Carlos Celdran, a cultural activist, a social media user and a known critic of Duterte is under fire after he left a comment to an online image of the Sto. Niño whose face was edited to that of Pres. Rodrigo Duterte. The altered photo was posted on Facebook by a Max Namara.
Netizens lambasted Celdran and Namara because of his unsolicited comment "Pwet Señor" on the viral photo, in an apparent rant against the devotion of supporters to the President. Now, a petition is circulating online which states declaring Carlos Celdran a Persona Non Grata in Cebu. The petition says, "In his comment, Celdran not only made fun of Sto. Niño's image but also made fun of the famous Cebuano chant "Pit Señor," which means to "call upon the Holy Child," by posting "Pwet Señor." Cebuanos say "Pit Señor, Viva Señor Sto. Niño" aloud and in unison during the annual Sinulog Festival in celebration of the Feast of Sto. Niño. He has no respect for the President and Sto. Niño." | ROD - FNPH

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