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List: Celebrities That Make The Most Money On Social Media

Have you ever wondered how much money your favorite celebrities' social media posts are worth? Who do you think is the greatest social media influencer of them all?

Well, according to highly scientific research by D'Marie Analytics, below are the top six social media influencers (the list includes both brands and celebrities) in order, and it might surprise you:

1. Selena Gomez
2. Kendall Jenner
3. Kylie Jenner
4. Rihanna
5. Beyoncé Knowles
6. Taylor Swift

Back in December, D'Marie reported supermodels such as Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid could earn between $125,000 to $300,000 per social media post. But that amount looks like chump change compared to the $550,000 the company now says Selena could be making to post across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to her 180.6 million followers.

In an article with Adweek, CEO of D'Marie Group Frank Spadafora explained how they arrived at such a high figure:

"The rate-per-post is her "ad equivalent" value per post across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This may be different than how much she is actually getting paid when participating in social media campaigns. That is up to negotiations between her agents and the brands. This valuation is based on D'Marie's algorithm which measures 56 metrics including followers, post frequency, engagement, quality of post, click-thru and potential to create sales conversions from her social content."

Spadafora also noted that compared to other celebs, Selena rarely does campaigns, which might be the reason for why she's so influential. 

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