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Gordon praised Duterte’s speech, described as “one of the best” because of its simplicity

Senator Richard Gordon praised and described President Rodrigo Duterte’s inauguration as “one of the best” because of its simplicity as he lauded his inaugural speech, as well.

In praising the President’s speech, the returning senator said it was simple, direct, and has everything that the world wants to hear, an article written by Tarra Quismundo on Philippine Daily Inquirer noted.

Aside from Gordon, other lawmakers lauded Duterte’s speech even as they said that the former feisty mayor was “presidential” in his delivery.

“I think this is one of the best, very simple. If I were to do it, I would have done it that way,” Gordon was quoted saying as he further stressed Duterte really sounded presidential and didn’t go overboard (in apparent reference to Duterte’s known propensity to curse in most of his public speeches).

In addition to this, Sen. Gordon said that Pres. Duterte appeared to be talking to everyone as he addressed each Filipino a clear message that one needs to hear.

“He was speaking to the whole world, an entire audience of the world, and people are looking at him. And the words the world wanted to hear — rule of law, dispatch in business, lack of corruption, justice for all men — was spoken in well crafted language for the high and low,” Gordon said.

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