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Citizens credit Duterte for Divisoria’s transformation

Divisoria is considered as the shopping mecca of the Philippines because of its wide assortment of low-priced goods. But the place is very crowded, chaotic and dirty.

However, Netizen was amazed by its recent transformation – from dirty and chaotic to orderly and clean, and credited the dramatic change to the so-called “Duterte effect” or the positive impact of the leadership of the country’s new leader, President Rodrigo Duterte.

Netizen Del Rosario Esteves Ed could not believe his eyes with what he saw.

“Recto Divisoria totoo ba ito? [Recto Divisoria is this real?]” he asked in disbelief.

He shared several pictures of the now clean and orderly Divisoria. Gone were the illegal vendors and the trash that littered its streets.

President Duterte vowed to eradicate illegal drugs, corruption and criminality within the first six months of his presidency.

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